What sort of educational requirements do hiring firms look for in potential candidates applying for translation positions?

Some firms want to see that you’ve taken specific courses, but they are more likely to look for a certified translator. This is tricky for U.S. translation professionals, as we don’t have a single official certification program. The result is that a translation professional who wants a certification will need to get one from one of the programs out there, such as the GTI certified translation program or the ATA’s certification testing program. Or they can go to one of the other governmental organizations that have a testing and certification process, such as the federal courts or the courts in certain states.
There are also some associations that have a certification process, such as RID (Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf), among others. Finally, there are some schools, such as Adelphi, NYU, Chicago, and a number of others, that have a degree program that leads to a certificate. GTI has several training videos on this topic if you want more information.
By Adriana Tassini
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