Qualifications to be a Successful Translator - Translator Qualifications
Translation is a job industry that is becoming more necessary all the time.

Qualifications to be a successful translator include a solid and fluent knowledge of two languages. They complete programs of study and testing that ensure their ability to effectively translate the written word. Some translators have different training than others. Some have general education about translating and others receive very specific training in a specific industry. Specific translators cost more to employ than general ones, but both do outstanding jobs translating.
Classes taken by trained translators include grammar, composition, history, culture, terminology, etc. Qualifications to be a successful translator include things like history and culture because context of a written piece can make a big difference in how it is composed and how it is received. A general knowledge of the language and the people surrounding it can help the translator to accurately represent the original writing with all its flavors, tones, and humor. Basics in translation are also important and a certified translator is guaranteed to produce correct and appropriate translations.
Some translators have additional training that gives them further qualifications to be a successful translator. They may take specific classes in the industry they plan to specialize in. They understand terminology of that field and can have impressive conversations about the current events in that field. They may specialize in the medical field and take anatomy and similar classes. They may focus on one of the many facets of business like finance, marketing, or advertising. They may have extra knowledge in the arts industry and participate in artistic events around the globe. Translators that have taken the time to gain some kind of certification or degree will produce good work that remains true to what is desired of the original language documents.
-By Adriana Tassini
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