I completed the Certified Translation Specialist (CTS) program through BusinessTraining.com. I have a good fundamental base of translation knowledge now. What type of personal self development work should I now focus on to further my career success in this field?
Good question. You could work with yourself in a number of different directions. Have you done a Briggs-Meyer type personality test?

Sometimes that can be a very useful way to find out where your personal strengths and weaknesses might be—assuming you haven’t already figured this out. Are you shy? Try taking a Toastmaster’s course, to help you talk to clients on the phone or in person. Are you disorganized? Work on learning how to be organized. A procrastinator? Work on that. Feel timid with computers or just a little tentative with certain kinds of software? Take some courses there. Wondering whether to start a website? The answer’s yes, of course—and it wouldn’t kill you to learn a bit about the web and SEO. In other words, figure out who you are, where you’re strong, and what you lack, whether it seems related to translation, business, good work habits, or whatever. Oh, and get started with a regular program of getting some kind of exercise or fitness if that’s missing from your life. If you’re hunched over your computer all day, you’re going to want and need one. Remember: mens sana in corpora sano (Latin: a sound mind in a sound body). Learn to take care of yourself, if you haven’t already.
By Adriana Tassini
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