How Many Years of School are Required to Start Translating? - Translation Schools

How many years of school are required to start translating? Three months is the bare minimum for an online program or community/career college. These award a certificate after completion of studying the material and taking a test. Material includes reading, writing, and composition in both languages; vocabulary for specific industries, culture and practices, and general translation standards. Some students may take specific courses or conferences on industry area translation. Most career colleges or online programs take about six months, though they can be completed in less time.
Universities offer translation programs that last about four years. This type of training is thorough and provides great experience. Some students choose to go on and get a master degree in order to specialize in a certain area of translation like engineering or finance. How many years of school are required to start translating in this situation? The entire university experience will probably last six years at least. This student will come away with a bachelor degree and a master degree. They are in high demand because of their excellent training and several years of experience in an academic setting.
University studies in translation include the same things as a shorter program like translation, culture, vocabulary, composition, etc. but more in depth. Students get the opportunity to do extensive reading, writing, translation; whereas, shorter programs do much less. The time put in definitely pays off, as most jobs in translation require 3-5 years of experience before they will consider the candidate. Steady jobs in translation are scarce and it is the most highly trained that get these. Many other translators work freelance. The work is unsteady, but good experience to qualify the candidate for better jobs in the future. Experience may also be gained by volunteering.
-By Adriana Tassini
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