How has the translation industry changed in the past 10 year?

The internet. The internet has refashioned the translation industry in so many ways, from the availability of competition across the globe to the possibility of finding work from far-off parts of the world. As a translation professional, I never meet my clients : when I started out and the internet was still somewhat young, I met about 30% of my clients in person, and then probably another 40-50% over the phone. Now, I can’t think of the last client I met in person, and I met one of my clients both over the phone and via Skype messaging.
Computers. A translation professional needs to know what’s going on with translation software and also with the most common types of business software. With computers having become so fast and powerful, what used to require special software and a huge computer no longer does, whether it’s layout, word processing or whatever.
-By Adriana Tassini
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