How fast is the translation industry growing?

The translation industry is an incredibly dynamic field. Globalization has been an important aspect of the world’s economy since the 90s, and the growth has been log rhythmic rather than geometrical. The translation field is participating in that surge, both in terms of the need for qualified translators in less traditional languages and the drastic increase in citizens and visitors to the U.S. who are not fluent in English. Schools, governments, companies, and so forth need to have their materials available in multiple languages, individuals who aren’t fluent in English need help when they encounter the medical or judicial system, our post-9/11 security requires a quick and deep understanding of communications from across the globe, and software makes it possible to handle double or triple the workload, compared to a decade ago. These are just a few aspects of how the industry is growing—and there are many more.
By Adriana Tassini
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