Are there any associations that I should join as a translation professional?

You should join your country’s trade association. In the U.S., that’s the ATA, the American Translator’s Association. However, note that you don’t need to become a full member, which can require testing, fees, etc., etc. There are usually associate memberships and student memberships, and those are perfectly fine. There are also sector specific associations, such as the American Literary Translator’s Association (ALTA), the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT), the International Medical Interpreters Association (IMIA), and so forth. Just google whatever type of translation or interpretation you want to specialize in and see if there’s an association that seems major enough to be worth its membership fees. You’d be surprised at how many niche associations there are…You might want to join the international association, FIT (International Federation of Translators), but that seems less important to a U.S.-based translator.
By Adriana Tassini
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