Are jobs in translation fast-paced? If so, why?
They can be—and often are.

With translators from across the globe working for agencies that can be located half a world away, and with software allowing translation professionals to process double or triple their former workload—or even more, translation professionals work hard, smart, and fast. Project managers have to be able to keep up with the quickly changing demands of varied projects, whether they work within a company or for an agency. And translation professionals who focus on localization have to be able to respond to the needs of different markets in a creative and timely fashion. Finally, if you’re freelance translation professional and get most of your work through an online network, you have to be ready to bid on an international project at a moment’s notice—and then do it with a quick turnaround as well. And conference translation can be quite fast-paced and demanding.
By Adriana Tassini
The following Translator Q & A is part of our
Translator FAQ Series.
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