Answer: Before reading this answer please familiarize yourself with these FAQ answers as well:
With those answers read here is the path to become a translator in the best way we know possible:
- Identify your target languages
- Gain experience living in those relevant countries and absorbing their culture while you master those languages
- Practice translation daily with a variety of clients
- Complete a translator training or certification program
- Gain translation internships and practice projects until you get good enough to start charging for your work
- Complete translation projects for larger and better quality clients until you identify your niche area of specialization that you want to focus on
- Dive into those 1-2 niches and start producing top quality work and gather a wide net of happy clients who will come back to over the years. Try to work with clients that will want to use your services again and again.
- How can I start my own freelance translation business?
- How can I find my own translation projects and clients?
- What is the best book for learning how to be a translator?