Question: What are the top 3 benefits of being a translator?

1) Flexibility - You can customize your career by choosing an area of specialization and eventually choosing to work for an agency or own your own completing freelance translation projects.
2) Travel - To master your target languages it can often be beneficial to travel to the countries which naturally speak your second language day-to-day. This can be fun and a good investment for your career as you will get more familiar with the real meaning behind words instead of just their literal defined meaning.
3) Dynamics - The translation industry is always changing and so are languages, throughout your career as a translator you will constantly need to expand your vocabulary and further specialize your skills, the learning will never stop and this will ensure you never get completely bored working as a professional translator.
Learn more:Tags: What are the top 3 benefits of being a translator?, benefits of being a translator, benefits of becoming a translator, benefits of working as a professional translator